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Policy Issue: National Food Waste Strategies

The issue brief provides an overview of national strategies to reduce food loss and waste and increase food recovery, highlighting best practices around the world.

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Atlas Research: National Food Waste Strategies

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Issue Brief

The issue brief provides an overview of national strategies to reduce food loss and waste and increase food recovery, highlighting best practices around the world.

Issue Brief - English
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We brought together government stakeholders for an in-depth conversation about national food waste and donation strategies.

Watch the webinar.

Best Practices: National Food Waste Strategies

All countries should implement the following best practices to ensure that food is not lost or wasted:

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Set and Publicize a National Goal

Set a national goal for food waste reduction and food redistribution with specific and attainable sub-goals within the overall waste reduction goal.

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Create a National Tactical Strategy that Embodies a Whole of Government Approach

Design and execute a national food loss and waste strategy that considers all stakeholders, designates a lead ministry or interagency working group for implementation, and includes concrete accountability and reporting mechanisms.

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Integrate Multiple Scales of Government

Use state and local governments to support the national strategy and include mechanisms for state and local governments to give input and facilitate implementation.

Countries with Strong Policies:
National Food Waste Strategies

Australia flag


Australia’s robust national food loss strategy includes an in-depth roadmap and feasibility study. It takes a multi-sectoral approach to mobilizing all stakeholders to meet their national target.

Chile flag


Chile’s National Organic Waste Strategy aims to dramatically increase municipal organic waste recovery, from the current 1 percent to 66 percent by 2040, with an intermediate goal of recovering 30 percent by 2030. It is comprehensive and serves as a regional model for effective FLW strategy.

Global Foodbanking Network map Global Foodbanking Network map with key

Mapping food donation policies around the world

The Atlas evaluates laws and policies across the most relevant issue areas relating to food donation and food loss and waste. Explore the map to compare and contrast existing legislation and learn from best practices around the world.

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