Our Methodology
The Atlas is the most comprehensive examination of global food donation policy and utilizes a detailed project methodology rooted in principles of inclusion, accuracy, and transparency.

Where We Research
Our research requires rigorous engagement from stakeholders across a country’s food system. Countries engaged in Atlas research have a GFN member food bank as the lead in-country project partner and demonstrate a high need for food donation legal support paired with a readiness to effect policy change.
Learn About Our Country Research
In-Country Stakeholders & Partnerships
In each country, The Atlas team works closely with food banks or food recovery organizations to better understand the challenges and opportunities around food donation. In-country partners keep Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC) researchers apprised of policy developments relevant to food donation during the engagement, connect FLPC to points of contact within the public and private sectors, and review all research deliverables prior to publication.

Our Legal and Policy Research
FLPC has gained a national reputation for its expertise in food waste law and policy around the world. FLPC applies this expert knowledge and advanced research and analysis skills to evaluate the laws and policies relevant to food donation within each country. FLPC relies on in-country source material, including proposed or adopted legislation, other governmental resources, and media.
About Our Team
Site Visits & Stakeholder Interviews
When feasible, FLPC visits countries to conduct in-person research and meet with food banks, government officials, food donors, and other stakeholders. During these visits, FLPC shares preliminary research and hears perspectives on existing or proposed food donation laws and policies. Whether an in-country or remote engagement was conducted, FLPC undertakes interviews with food donors and other supply chain actors, as well as with government agency representatives, to inform FLPC’s understanding of the practical barriers and policy opportunities to strengthen food donation within the country.
Our News & Highlights
Consultation with In-Country Legal Experts
In each country, FLPC consults with leading lawyers or policy experts who provide guidance on the most complex legal issues relevant to food donation. These experts not only provide counsel during the research and drafting stages but also review the final legal guide for accuracy prior to publication.
Learn more about The Atlas and how to support our work.